If you lead a busy life but still want the joy of having a pet, finding one that fits into your schedule is key. 

Low-maintenance pets can provide companionship and entertainment without requiring extensive care or constant attention. 

These pets can range from small mammals to reptiles, fish, and even insects, each offering unique benefits and fitting different lifestyles.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 20 low-maintenance pets that are ideal for busy people, providing you with easy-care options and detailed descriptions of what makes each pet a perfect fit for someone with limited time.

1. Betta Fish

Betta fish are colorful and vibrant, and they require relatively simple setups to thrive. 

Unlike other fish that need a complicated filtration system or regular tank cleaning, bettas can live comfortably in smaller tanks and tolerate a variety of water conditions. 

They are solitary creatures, so you only need one, reducing the need for large aquarium setups.

Care Needs:

A small tank (2-5 gallons) is sufficient, but it should have a lid as bettas can jump.

Weekly water changes are recommended; no need for an elaborate filtration system.

Betta fish should be fed once a day with betta-specific pellets or flakes. They also enjoy occasional treats like freeze-dried bloodworms.


  • Requires minimal equipment and space.
  • Bright, eye-catching colors make them fun to observe.
  • Easy to care for and maintain, with little tank upkeep needed.

2. Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos are one of the easiest reptiles to care for. 

They are hardy, tolerate handling well, and thrive in relatively simple enclosures. 

Since they are nocturnal, they spend most of their day resting and become active during the evening hours. 

These reptiles are content in their tanks with minimal interaction, making them ideal for people with busy lifestyles.

Care Needs:

A 10-20 gallon tank with a heat source (heat mat or lamp) is needed to keep them comfortable.

They eat live insects (such as crickets or mealworms) 2-3 times a week. 

Dusting the insects with calcium powder is important for their health.

The tank needs to be spot-cleaned weekly and fully cleaned every few weeks.


  • Low interaction required; they can be left alone most of the time.
  • Friendly and docile, making them good for beginner reptile owners.
  • Long lifespan (up to 20 years), allowing for a long-term companion.

3. Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are low-maintenance pets that are fascinating to observe as they explore their environment and change shells. 

They live in relatively small, humid enclosures, and their simple feeding requirements make them easy to care for. 

Despite their low needs, they are social creatures that can be very active and entertaining.

Care Needs:

A small tank with sand or coconut fiber substrate and humidity control (by misting the tank) is essential.

 Hermit crabs are fed a mix of commercial hermit crab food and occasional fresh fruits and vegetables.

The tank needs to be cleaned every 1-2 weeks to remove waste and uneaten food.


  • Small and easy to care for, requiring little space.
  • Interesting to watch, especially during shell-changing behavior.
  • Great for busy individuals as they need minimal daily care.

4. Hamsters

Hamsters are small, independent pets that are active at night, making them great for people with busy daytime schedules. 

They entertain themselves with wheels and tunnels in their cages, and as long as they are fed and their cage is clean, they require little other care. 

Hamsters are ideal for individuals or families who want a pet with minimal interaction needs.

Care Needs:

A cage with bedding, a wheel for exercise, and tunnels or toys to keep them stimulated.

Daily feeding of hamster pellets, with fresh vegetables or fruits as occasional treats.

The cage should be cleaned once a week to ensure a healthy environment.


  • Small and self-sufficient.
  • Entertaining to watch as they run and explore.
  • Requires minimal care beyond basic feeding and cleaning.

5. Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are social animals, but they don’t require constant attention to thrive. 

They are happy in pairs or groups and will entertain themselves as long as they have enough space to move around. 

While they enjoy being handled and played with, they won’t suffer if left alone for longer periods during the day.

Care Needs:

A spacious cage with fresh hay and bedding is essential. 

Guinea pigs also need tunnels or hideaways for play and comfort.

They require fresh vegetables, hay, and commercial guinea pig pellets daily. 

Fresh water should always be available.

Weekly cleaning of the cage is necessary, with spot-cleaning as needed.


  • Low grooming needs; they take care of their own hygiene.
  • Friendly and easy to bond with, but can thrive independently.
  • Ideal for busy families or solo owners looking for a gentle pet.

6. Goldfish

Goldfish are a popular choice for low-maintenance pet owners because of their simple care needs. 

With the right tank setup, they can live for years, requiring only regular feeding and water changes. 

Goldfish are peaceful and provide a calming presence with minimal interaction required.

Care Needs:

A 10-gallon tank or larger is ideal. While goldfish can tolerate less-than-ideal water conditions, it’s best to keep the tank clean with weekly water changes.

Feed them daily with goldfish flakes or pellets, and occasionally supplement their diet with vegetables like peas.

Weekly water changes of 10-20% of the tank volume help maintain water quality.


  • Peaceful, easy to watch, and require little upkeep beyond feeding and cleaning.
  • Long lifespan with proper care (up to 10 years or more).
  • No need for sophisticated filtration or heating systems.

7. African Dwarf Frogs

African dwarf frogs are fully aquatic and can live in small tanks with minimal supervision. 

They don’t need land or extensive equipment, and they thrive in community tanks with other small, non-aggressive fish. 

Their simple feeding and care routine makes them perfect for busy people.

Care Needs:

A 5-10 gallon tank is sufficient, with a water heater to maintain a temperature of around 72-78°F.

They eat frog pellets or frozen bloodworms 2-3 times a week.

Perform weekly water changes to maintain water quality.


  • Low interaction required; they live entirely underwater.
  • Fun to watch as they swim and interact with their environment.
  • Require very little space and attention.

8. Red-Eared Slider Turtles

Red-eared sliders are low-maintenance reptiles that don’t require much interaction beyond basic feeding and cleaning. 

These turtles live for decades and thrive in aquatic setups that are relatively easy to maintain. 

They need both water and a basking area but are content with minimal daily attention.

Care Needs:

A 20-gallon tank with water and a basking area under a heat lamp. 

Turtles need both water for swimming and a warm, dry area for basking.

Feed them turtle pellets, vegetables, and occasional insects or fish. 

They should be fed every 1-2 days.

Regular water changes and cleaning of the tank are necessary to prevent algae and bacteria buildup.


  • Calm and independent, requiring little handling
  • Can live for decades (up to 40 years), offering a long-term companion.
  • Minimal feeding and cleaning routines.

9. Cats (Indoor)

Indoor cats are independent animals that are generally lower maintenance than dogs. 

They clean themselves, use a litter box, and can entertain themselves with toys and climbing trees. 

While cats enjoy affection and playtime, they don’t demand constant attention and are happy to nap for much of the day.

Care Needs:

Clean the litter box daily or every other day.

Feed your cat once or twice a day with dry or wet cat food, ensuring they have fresh water.

Most cats groom themselves, but regular brushing (especially for long-haired breeds) can help reduce shedding and prevent matting.


  • Clean and independent, needing minimal interaction.
  • Provide affection and companionship without requiring extensive care.
  • Ideal for busy people who are home intermittently throughout the day.

10. Rabbits

Rabbits are gentle and social pets that thrive in clean, quiet environments. 

While they appreciate attention, they are content to entertain themselves as long as they have enough space to move around and chew toys to keep them occupied. 

Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box, making them clean and relatively low-maintenance.

Care Needs:

A spacious cage with bedding and a litter box. 

Rabbits also need chew toys and hiding spaces.

They require fresh hay, vegetables, and rabbit pellets daily. 

Ensure they have access to clean water.

Clean the cage weekly and change the litter regularly to keep the environment hygienic.


  • Quiet, gentle, and low-demand.
  • Can be litter box trained, making cleanup easy.
  • Enjoy social interaction but don’t require constant attention.

11. Snails (Aquatic or Terrestrial)

Snails are among the easiest pets to care for, requiring minimal feeding and a simple habitat. 

Whether aquatic or terrestrial, snails are quiet and slow-moving, making them fascinating to watch without needing much upkeep. 

They can live in small tanks or terrariums and are perfect for people with limited time or space.

Care Needs:

A small tank or terrarium with substrate (for land snails) or water (for aquatic snails).

Feed them leafy greens, vegetables, or algae wafers once a day.

Aquatic tanks need occasional water changes, and terrestrial enclosures should be cleaned weekly.


  • Extremely low-maintenance.
  • Silent and interesting to observe.
  • Require minimal space and interaction.

12. Chinchillas

Chinchillas are nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the evening, when you may be winding down from your day. 

They are clean animals, as they use dust baths to groom themselves, and they don’t have strong odors. 

Chinchillas are happy to play on their own in a well-equipped cage, making them a great option for busy people.

Care Needs:

A large, multi-level cage with a dust bath and toys.

Provide fresh hay, pellets, and occasional treats like fruits.

Clean the cage weekly and provide fresh dust for their baths.


  • Clean and low odor.
  • Active and playful but do not require constant attention.
  • Gentle and easy to care for, with minimal grooming needs.

13. Sea Monkeys (Brine Shrimp)

Sea monkeys, a type of brine shrimp, are some of the easiest and most low-maintenance pets available. 

They require very little care beyond feeding and occasional water changes. 

Watching them grow and swim around can be a fun and stress-free experience for people with busy schedules.

Care Needs:

A small tank with pre-packaged water conditioning is all that’s needed.

Feed them sea monkey food once a week.

Clean the tank every few weeks by replacing part of the water.


  • Extremely easy to care for.
  • Fun and unique to watch as they grow and swim.
  • Minimal feeding and tank cleaning required.

14. Ferrets

Ferrets are energetic and playful but can be independent when necessary. 

They entertain themselves with toys, tunnels, and other cage accessories. 

Ferrets require minimal grooming and cleaning, making them a low-maintenance option for busy pet owners.

Care Needs:

A cage with bedding, a litter box, and plenty of toys and tunnels for enrichment.

Feed ferret-specific pellets and provide fresh water daily.

Clean the cage regularly and change the litter box every few days.


  • Playful and curious but can be independent when needed.
  • Minimal grooming requirements.
  • Entertaining and fun to watch.

15. Stick Insects

Stick insects are fascinating creatures that require very little care. 

They live in small terrariums and only need occasional feeding and misting. 

Their natural camouflage and slow movements make them an intriguing pet for anyone looking for something unique and low-maintenance.

Care Needs:

A small terrarium with twigs and leaves for climbing and feeding.

Provide fresh leaves like ivy or romaine lettuce. They only need to be fed every few days.

Mist the terrarium to maintain humidity and clean the enclosure occasionally.


  • Quiet, low-maintenance pets.
  • Unique and interesting to observe.
  • Require minimal feeding and space.

16. Fancy Rats

Fancy rats are clean, social, and intelligent pets that are easy to care for. 

They enjoy human interaction but are also content playing in their cage with toys and exercise wheels. 

They are low-maintenance in terms of grooming and cleaning, and they make great companions for busy individuals.

Care Needs:

A spacious cage with bedding, toys, and a wheel for exercise.

Feed them rat pellets and provide fresh fruits or vegetables as treats.

Clean the cage weekly and provide fresh water daily.


  • Social and friendly, but independent enough to entertain themselves.
  • Clean and easy to care for, with minimal odor.
  • Great for families or individuals looking for an interactive pet.

17. Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are easy-going reptiles that are docile and easy to care for. 

They thrive in simple setups with heat lamps and can be handled occasionally, but they don’t require constant interaction. 

Bearded dragons are perfect for people looking for a calm, low-maintenance pet.

Care Needs:

A 40-gallon tank with a basking area, UVB lighting, and heat lamps.

Feed them vegetables daily and insects (crickets or mealworms) a few times a week.

Clean the tank weekly and replace substrate as needed.


  • Docile and friendly, making them easy to handle.
  • Minimal daily interaction required.
  • Low-maintenance feeding and cleaning routines.

18. Gerbils

Gerbils are social, active pets that are fun to watch as they dig and explore their cages. 

They are low-maintenance animals that only need basic feeding and weekly cage cleaning. 

Gerbils are also relatively odorless and don’t require extensive attention.

Care Needs:

A cage with tunnels, bedding, and a wheel for exercise.

Feed them gerbil pellets and occasional treats like fruits or vegetables.

Clean the cage weekly and provide fresh water daily.


  • Active and entertaining to watch.
  • Low-maintenance and easy to care for.
  • Great for children and adults alike.

19. Fire-Bellied Newts

Fire-bellied newts are colorful and fascinating amphibians that live in small aquariums. 

They are low-maintenance pets that require minimal feeding and regular cleaning. 

Their aquatic environment is easy to maintain, and they require little interaction from their owner.

Care Needs:

A small aquarium with a water area and a dry land area for basking.

Feed them worms, small insects, or commercial newt pellets 2-3 times a week.

Clean the tank regularly by changing the water and removing waste.


  • Exotic and beautiful to observe.
  • Requires little handling and minimal interaction.
  • Simple feeding and habitat maintenance.

20. African Land Snails

African land snails are large, fascinating pets that are incredibly easy to care for. 

They thrive in small, humid enclosures and are easy to feed and maintain. 

They are quiet, slow-moving, and require very little from their owners, making them perfect for someone with a busy schedule.

Care Needs:

A small terrarium with soil and a water dish. Mist the enclosure regularly to maintain humidity.

Feed them leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits daily.

Clean the terrarium weekly to remove waste and uneaten food.


  • Extremely low-maintenance and quiet.
  • Unique and interesting to watch.
  • Require minimal feeding and space.

Final Thoughts 

Busy people don’t have to sacrifice the joy of pet ownership. 

From the simplicity of caring for betta fish or hermit crabs to the engaging interaction of cats or hamsters, these low-maintenance pets offer companionship with minimal care. 

Whether you prefer something interactive or more hands-off, these 20 pets provide various levels of engagement and suit different preferences and lifestyles. 

With simple feeding, cleaning, and maintenance routines, these pets fit seamlessly into the lives of those who have limited time but still want the fulfillment that comes from owning a pet.
